“Go To” Travel Shoes

I have a shoe problem. I love shoes. I love buying shoes. However, my lifestyle and workstyle are not exactly conducive to the shoes I want in my life. I think I want fancy, fun, & colorful heels but let’s face it – I have two small children, travel weekly and only go out to dinner a few times a month. Somehow I still have managed to purchase over 70 pair that fill up the bottom of my closet even if there are only 7-10 that I wear on a normal basis. When I first started traveling weekly I thought there wouldn’t be much walking. I’m not sure where I convinced myself that was true but I can say that when you have to go from C5 to H(pick a gate) in O’Hare Airport in Chicago you learn quickly that shoes are important. Weather is also a component of shoe selection. Have you ever not paid attention to the forecast and ended up in Minneapolis in 6″ of snow in peep-toe wedges? Not exactly my proudest moment. (Sidenote: I didn’t have gloves or a hat either and it took hours to get all the feeling back in my extremities.) I have been told on several occasions there is no bad weather only poor shoe (and attire) choices and I’ve finally given in. 

My friend and coworker Lisa, who has a similar travel schedule, does not let anything interfere with her shoe selection. In fact she always wears heels or wedges but has been known to slip into travel flats occasionally. Flats are currently my go to. Unfortunately, I typically wear through flats within 2 – 3 months. Literally, sometimes I wear holes in the bottom of the shoes or the start to separate from the sole. I was in the habit of spending a ridiculous amount of money ($200 on Tory Birch Flats, no problem) on shoes that I would wear through quickly (within 60 days!!) and I was getting frustrated. A friend of mine mentioned Paul Green boots were her “go to” travel shoe. I looked them up – $350! I thought about it for a few weeks and decided to give them a go. Cayanne Leather Peep Toe Sandal in Cuoio Leather were added to my closet and quickly became a staple. The neutral color match almost everything. The shoes themselves are incredibly comfortable, they fit perfectly, are true to size and have a ton of arch support. They have about a 2″ heel but it’s shaped more like a block than anything you have to balance on. Even after practically running through O’Hare airport on multiple occasions my feet never hurt. I have worn them so much that they now have some permanent wear but I think it adds character, I still try to clean them at least once a month.  I’m even considering getting them in other colors! One side note is these do buzz in the metal detector at the airport approx 50% of the time so I proactively take them off before as to not hold up the line. 

Then I kept seeing ads for Tieks on Facebook and Pinterest so I decided to take a leap, I was already spending about the same and replacing flats every couple months so why not. If they even lasted four months I would be #winning, right?!

My first pair, matte black, I decided to size up based on the sizing recommendations (only available in whole sizes) and they were comfortable but a little big in the heel, but not noticeably. I started wearing them consistently on travel days where I walk around 5,000 steps in a few hours. No issues. I bought a second pair in clover green down a size. They were perfect! After a year neither pair looked severely worn, have held together and are still as comfortable as the first time input them on. In June and September I walked 3 miles around Las Vegas and my feet didn’t bother me at all. Recently I splurged on a pair called lovestruck, multicolored, that add a bit of flair to every outfit. I also don’t have significant toe cleavage, an annoyance of mine. 

Of course, if I travel with the kids I will wear my sketchers flex appeal, toms or adidas baseline sneaker if I’m not in my reef or rainbows flip flops. 

I haven’t found consistent, durable, cute and comfy shoes to wear in the winter to some of my less desirable climates but I’m working on it! These brands are my go to but I would love to hear about other recommendations.